Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cutie Pie!

Anna sports lots of different hair do's these days. She is not liking the camera as much as she used too so taking a good picture is harder these days. She is cute no matter what I guess! Anyways, here are a bunch of pictures that we have taken the past two weeks! Included, Anna's first pedicure with Mamma and Auntie Janelle, big girl climbs the apartment stairs (not for long), as well as just around the house lookin' good!

Friday, April 4, 2008

What a nasty look! Still cute though!

Anna has learned to give dirty looks! Who does she get that from?

Easter 2008!

These pictures are from Easter Sunday. Anna did great in her white outfit until we got home she sat down in the grass and her foot went into the dirt. Thank goodness for my stain removing skills, the white shoes look new again! Surprising she kept her bow on for 4 hours! Now, that is my kind of girl! Hope you all enjoy the pictures!