Friday, November 14, 2008

This is Anna's first 2nd birthday party! We had 8 kiddos at our house and 5 Mama's. The carebear theme was a hit! Finger painting and slides were so much fun! It is so amazing to see Anna's growth in the past 2 years! She is so beautiful; our precious gift from God!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday our Fun Family Day!

Today, November 9th, we went out to the dairy, Anna loves to see the cows! She loves to name the cows, Dadda cow, Mommy cow, Ina cow and Papa cow! For those of you that do not know Anna calls herself Ina and she prefers us to call her that too! After the dairy we went to the Irvine park and the OC Zoo! What a variety of animals all in one day -- it sure was a fun day but we are all EXHAUSTED!


Halloween 2008!

Anna wore her special halloween dress all day on October 31st! It looked really cute and festive! Daddy came home from work early, we had supper and it was time to dress up -- a lady bug she was. THE CUTEST LADY BUG EVER! We went to Dan and Valerie's house for a short visit then back home to our neighborhood to go trick or treating. We went to 15 houses then Mommy decided that she had enough candy; we all know who is really eating the candy!!!

Pumpkin Patch!