Saturday, December 26, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS! WOW -- 2010 is on it's way!
We enjoyed our first Christmas in Texas! We were very happy to have spent this Christmas with Papa and Grandma, Uncle Mark, Uncle Kyle, Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Brent! Well, they were all here the week before Christmas; Papa and Grandma stayed for Christmas! Everyone enjoyed Anna and John so much. Anna was not shy at all -- when everyone arrived she dropped her toys and gave them all hugs. Anna sure loved having all the family over. John did not make strange with anyone -- he was just happy with whoever wanted to play with him. Not only is John walking but he is running. He has learned to quickly grab one of Anna's toys and run -- it is cute to watch him as he now knows how to bug his sister. Anna is quick and does not let John run for long. He catches him, grabs her toy and tells him, "no John you be a good boy."
This holiday season we are very grateful for our continued health. We have all had the seasonal colds and flu but other than that we are staying healthy and want to remember not to take that for granted. Hope y'all have a great New Year!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Well, I know that I am the world's worst blogger! Just enjoy it when I do update it because we all know that it doesn't happen very often! So, the update -- John started walking at 9 1/2 months. Now at 10 months he is walking real fast! We just love to watch him walk all over and explore everywhere he goes! Now Anna is having to hide her toys a little better! John just loves to get into all his sisters things. Anna still loves to wear princess dresses at every opportunity! She also loves barbies and my little pony! Hint hint, it is her birthday in 2 weeks! Kidding!
Anyways, Justin and I are doing very good; we always seem to reflect on God's goodness in our lives. Not a day goes by that we don't think about the abundance He has given too us. We are really enjoying the fall over here in Texas. The cool and crisp weather has been nice a change from the 5 year summer in California. Justin has been busy using his john deere blower to continuously blow the leaves away from the house. Also to blow them into a big pile -- him and Anna love to run and jump into the leaf pile.
So long!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Summer 2009!

Hey ya'll! It sure has been a while -- like usual! We had a great trip to Ontario in August; we spent most of our time visiting with family and relaxing. We did the 27 hour drive in 2 days; the kids did amazing along the way. Our visit consisted of visiting family, friends and relaxing. Here are some updates about all of us:
Justin is staying very busy at work; always looking for the next project or deal to put together. He also has a new hobby -- hunting! He is LOVIN' the Texas way of life -- shooting, shooting and more shooting. Well let's say that he is practicing for the hunting season with his clay pigeon shooting.
Sarah, I have been very busy in my craft room! I just wish there were more hours in the day to do more. I am very thankful that I have a craft room so that I can keep my projects out and just work on them here and there. Along with the laundry, cleaning, cooking and playing with the kids -- I always find a little time to head to Amarillo and go shopping with my best friend.
Anna, has been talking up a storm lately. Her newest thing is telling us storied about her best friends named Lisa and Bossy. "They go to high school." Anna loves to play outside with penny and ride around on her bike.
John, has been pulling himself up and sometimes even standing alone for a few seconds. He is such a happy boy -- he smiles and laughs all the time. He LOVES to be outside, LOVES to eat dirt, plants or anything else that he can put into his mouth; on the flip side, he loves to take baths -- which he needs lots of.
Justin and I have started to take the class, Growing Kids God's Way -- we are taking this class with four other couples. We are enjoying the evening out of the house and to be learning and growing together in our faith.
We can hardly believe that we have been in Dalhart for 4 months already. Time is flying by so fast! We are LOVING the new life her and will continue to seek for God's will in our lives!
Thanks for checking in with us! Love you all!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


These days!

Here are a few pics of kids these days! Both of them are growing so much -- John in his weight and Anna in her words. Everyday he seems heavier and she seems to talk a little more. Both of these qualities definitely from their Dad! lol Kidding! Enjoy!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

This is how to Anna rolls in Texas! (With Carson -- Anna's new best friend!)

Around the house!

While I (Sarah) am busy doing housework, laundry, cooking and more housework I can't help but take the time to snap some pictures of our cuties. Here are some recent pictures the kids.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Ok Ok Ok -- I said keep up with us -- Sarah style is to update the blog once and a while. I will try my best to keep updating ya'll, life is just getting busy and I always seem to be short on time.
We are SO HAPPY and SO THANKFUL to be in Dalhart Texas. God has BLESSED us with so much more than we imagined.
We are getting settled into our new house and getting into a routine. The kids are doing awesome; both growing so much. Anna is learning new words everyday and she sure remembers everything you say to her. Here is a cute story -- every night when I (Sarah) tuck her into bed I say a little prayer -- the prayer always starts out with me saying, " DEAR GOD THANK YOU FOR MY SWEET LITTLE ANNA, thank you for this day, thank you for keeping us safe and bringing us home as a family, please protect us as we sleep and forgive the sins we have committed this day," I say a little more then, Amen." So, last night Anna and I are about to eat dinner (while Justin was out looking at the 4" corn -- whoo hoo) and I asked Anna to say her dinner prayer (Lord bless this food and drink for Jesus sake, Amen.) Anna then closed her eyes, folder her hands and said, "DEAR GOD THANK YOU FOR MY SWEET LITTLE DADDY, AMEN." I had to chuckle! And yes we are so glad for Anna's Daddy we both love him!
Ok, now about John -- our little chunk! He is growing through his clothes so fast -- he is wearing 9 month sleepers and he is 5 months!!!!! We are guessing that in less than a year he will be the same size as his big sister! John is still an amazing sleeper -- sleeping lots during the day and night. He loves to be outside in his swing watching Mama garden and Anna ride her bike.
We are enjoying every day that God gives us!! Please write to us we are missing all our family and friends!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Anna has already met a Cowboy!

Fun with Family

So, now that we live near farming and family we have learned all kinds of new things. Double riding on bikes and how to run from pigs when they chase us.
Anna wanted to go in the pig pen with her cousins so bad. Finally I let her, she was being so brave saying, "hi pig, hi", next thing you know she is running saying, "no pig, no pig" the pig was interested in her tu tu -- we were laughing so hard, it was hilarious -- Jake saved Anna from the pig!
Papa has been so busy around the house but when he has a moment the first thing he does is play with Anna. They are two peas and a pod when they are into something. Anna especillay loves to ride along with Papa and go to the hardware store. She is his little side kick!
John-O is Mr.Happy -- he loves to bounce around in his exercauser.

Packed Up and Ready To GO!

We are off! Here are some pictures of the move and along the way! We are so grateful that we made it safely to Texas. It was a long drive but with Dad and Mom's help we had an enjoyable trip! What a blessing it has been to have them here. Dad and all his handy work around the house and Mom with her miticulous cleaning and all the special love and attention that they give the kids has been so awesome. We are getting settled in and so far have enjoyed every minute in Texas!

Saturday, March 14, 2009