Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fun with Family

So, now that we live near farming and family we have learned all kinds of new things. Double riding on bikes and how to run from pigs when they chase us.
Anna wanted to go in the pig pen with her cousins so bad. Finally I let her, she was being so brave saying, "hi pig, hi", next thing you know she is running saying, "no pig, no pig" the pig was interested in her tu tu -- we were laughing so hard, it was hilarious -- Jake saved Anna from the pig!
Papa has been so busy around the house but when he has a moment the first thing he does is play with Anna. They are two peas and a pod when they are into something. Anna especillay loves to ride along with Papa and go to the hardware store. She is his little side kick!
John-O is Mr.Happy -- he loves to bounce around in his exercauser.

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